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East Sheen Primary

Upper Richmond Rd West, London, SW14 8ED

Why Choose Our School For Your Child?

Our school is driven by its vision, to nurture happy confident children who think deeply about themselves an others. We know that nurturing children is key to creating successful, lifelong learners, who are happy in school and thrive in their personal, social and academic development.

Our school is rated by Ofsted as 'Outstanding' in all areas, testament to the hard work, passion and commitment of all working at East Sheen Primary to provide children with a fantastic, well-rounded start to their education in school. We are also extremely proud of our exceptional progress for all pupils, ensuring that children have the support and challenge to be stimulated and successful in their learning.

As a large school, we are able to offer an extensive extra-curricular offer, with over 40 clubs for children to enjoy. We teach children that it is great to try new things and have a go; we encourage all children to participate in performances, learning an instrument, represent the school in a sports competition, and try something completely different, whether that is at the Robotics Club or creating a film to be premiered in Film Club.

We are proud to be a Thinking School, teaching children how to be successful thinkers of the future. You can find more about our Thinking School status here.

We are also a singing school, an Eco School, a school with a strong pastoral hub, a reading dog, and much more. We would love to show you more, so do view our school video, and book a place on a tour.

As headteacher, it is my commitment to make school a place that excites, enables and empowers.

Harry Page
