Subject Vision
At East Sheen Primary School, we believe in delivering a high-quality science curriculum that provides the foundations for understanding the world. We believe that science should be fun and exciting, tapping into children’s natural curiosity and excitement in understanding their world, stretching their imagination and creativity. We aim to deepen children’s scientific knowledge whilst understanding the methods and uses of science. We seek to ensure that the children can apply their understanding to the world around them, developing their environmental intelligence and empowering them in understanding how they can impact and change the world.
We teach children the discipline of Science by developing:
Children’s knowledge and understanding through the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
Children’s scientific skills understanding the nature, process and methods of science through conducting different types of scientific enquiries that help them answer scientific questions about the world around them.
Children’s understanding of the implications and applications of science and the future, developing their environmental intelligence.
Topics and progression is informed by the National Curriculum, with scientific skills taught alongside the knowledge.
Science is taught weekly in termly or half-termly blocks, to ensure children have a deep understanding of key concepts. We follow the objectives in the National Curriculum, ensuring progression in knowledge and skills throughout year groups and the school. Science is taught in weekly lessons but is embedded throughout the curriculum, whether it be in the writing of a non-fiction text based on a Science topic or in guided reading sessions through comprehension or reading activities. Mathematical skills and data handling are embedded throughout teaching, linking carefully with their current mathematical understanding.
Alongside the knowledge, we seek to ensure that children’s scientific skills are developed as they progress through the school. In line with the National Curriculum, scientific skills are taught in conjunction with knowledge and children are given opportunities to ask questions, use a range of equipment, make predictions, conduct a range of experiments and build arguments and explain concepts. Children are often encouraged to work collaboratively to uncover the answers to key scientific questions. These skills progress throughout the year and in their time at school.
As a highly inclusive school, lessons are differentiated to enable all learners, including those with SEN or EAL, to access the curriculum. Challenges are given and higher-level questions are asked to extend where needed.
We value the children’s understanding and acquisition of key scientific vocabulary; therefore, key vocabulary is displayed in every classroom and children are encouraged to use this vocabulary both orally and in their written work. In KS2, specific vocabulary is introduced each week and children have their own glossaries to refer to for each topic.
At East Sheen, we believe that children should continuously be exposed to science in the world around them and understand its implications for their future. In KS1, all children have opportunities for outdoor, learning through their interaction with nature. Throughout the school, children have had the opportunities to have visits from science specialists or parents who work in scientific fields alongside opportunities to go on trips to enhance their scientific understanding.
In line with our Thinking School methodology, emphasis is placed on analytical thinking and questioning. Through the use of thinking hats, maps and habits of mind children are encouraged to ask questions, think critically, work collaboratively, weigh up evidence and come to thoughtful scientific conclusions.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for all children in reception to have an ‘Understanding of the World; people and communities, the world and technology’ by the end of the academic year.
At East Sheen, our high-quality curriculum and planning ensures for progression, both in children’s scientific skills and knowledge.
Outcomes and progression can be found in science books, and English books, displays and photographs. Children are encouraged to review their success criteria at the end of the lesson with the support of their teacher. Children are assessed nationally in Year 2 and 6. Children also have opportunities to reflect on their progression in their learning journey at the end and beginning of a topic.
Our children thoroughly enjoy the teaching and learning of Science!
What our pupils say:
“I really like Science- especially when we do experiments.”
“I loved making string telephones; you really could hear someone through the cup.”
“Learning about how to keep your heart healthy is really good as it makes me think about why I should exercise more.”
“I like working things out with my own thoughts- no one is telling you. It’s just you, like circuits and seeing if it will work.”
"It was so fun when I got to go inside a big bubble!"