Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility.
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Harry Page
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Maddie Jensen, Victoria Strang and Polly Jones
Safeguarding Governors: Emmet Regan & Raef Jackson
Health and Safety Governor: Sarah Odds
Safeguarding is the highest priority in school. It is also a huge area, covering child protection, online safety, site security, health and safety, evacuation, lock down, anti-bullying, radicalisation, racism, female genital mutilation and more. Our policy is published on this website.
Harry Page is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Maddie Jensen, Victoria Strang and Polly Jones are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.
All employees have annual training and regular updates to make sure knowledge and understanding of safeguarding are current. We ensure all those who are contracted at school (e.g. cleaners, school meal providers, sports providers, supply teachers) have undergone police checks and are legally entitled to work in the UK and that any adults working directly with children have had appropriate safeguarding training.
We work with a range of other professionals and agencies including social workers, health professionals and the police to make sure children and families have any support they need.
Fire marshals have also attended Fire Safety in Schools training and all our policies are reviewed regularly. Some staff members have had training in the use of fire extinguishers. We have regular drills and tests of equipment and alarm systems. We have a number of First Aid trained staff and annual training in the use of epi pens (for children with severe allergies) is also undertaken.
Harry Page, Polly Jones and Jan Regan all hold the Safer Recruitment qualification, as do some members of the governing body. Safe practices are followed when shortlisting, interviewing and appointing staff to all roles.
We have electronic sign-in and locking systems to keep our site secure and easily control access to the school.
We have named governors linked to safeguarding in school. They carry out annual safeguarding audits, attend training and check we are compliant with our policy. They sit on the Children, Families and Community Committee, which meets half-termly. Their photographs are on display in the office and dining room areas.
We also have a named Health and Safety governor. We go on regular health and safety walks and the health and safety governor carries out checks to ensure the school is compliant with its policy.
Safeguarding concerns are coordinated through the Single Pont of Access (SPA) in Richmond:
The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:
- Monday-Thursday 8.00am-5.15pm
- Friday 8.00-5.00pm
The phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008
(out of hours: 020 8770 5000).
and through the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in Wandsworth: phone number: 020 8871 6622 (9am to 5pm) Out of hours: 020 8871 6000 or email website:
Keeping Children safe in Education can be found here:
Translated versions of Keeping Children safe in Education can be found here: