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East Sheen Primary

Upper Richmond Rd West, London, SW14 8ED

Governor List 

Who are we?

    The governing body of East Sheen Primary School consists of 2 parent governors (elected), 1 local authority governor, 1 headteacher, 1 staff governor (elected) and 13 co-opted governors (at least 2 of which will be parents). 18 governors in total. 

    Nathalie Townley is the Chair of Governors

    Andrew Miller is the Chair of Teaching and Learning

    Graham Dyer is the Chair of Resources 

    Emmet Regan is the Chair of Children, Families and Community

    Nathalie Townley 

    Co-opted Governor

    December 2020 - December 2024

    Full Governing Board (Chair)

    Teaching & Learning Committee 

    SEND Link Governor

    Nathalie is a stay-at-home mother to her three children. Her two daughters have moved to secondary school, and she has a son in Year 5.  Nathalie's professional background is as an Employment Lawyer, working for a number of years in the City and in Oxford.  Nathalie was thrilled to join the ESPS Governing Board in March 2017 and is committed to working alongside the Leadership Team to make ESPS the best it can be.

    Graham Dyer 

    Co-opted Governor

    March 2023 - March 2027

    Full Governing Board (Vice Chair)

    Resources Committee (Chair)

    Graham is a Chartered Accountant and holds an MBA from Kingston University. Now semi-retired, he has held several roles as finance or commercial director in both the service and manufacturing industries but now works as trustee or consultant providing support in the charity sector. His three children all attended ESPS, the youngest leaving in 2006. Graham first joined the ESPS Governing Body as a parent governor what seems like a very long time ago and although he left the governing board for a few years has now returned as a co-opted governor.

    Harry Page 

     Head teacher

    April 2023

    Full Governing Body

    Children, Families and Community Committee

    Resources Committee

    Teaching and Learning Committee

    Harry has been a teacher at East Sheen Primary since 2014. Having completed a Cell Biology degree at Durham University, Harry achieved his PGCE in London, gaining valuable experience in a variety of schools in the city. Harry has taught in both Key Stage 1 and 2 and was English leader from 2017 to 2021, having previously led Science and Computing. A passionate believer in thinking skills, well-being, inclusivity and the importance of high aspirations, Harry believes this is a very special school to be a part of indeed and loves working here with the staff, pupils and community. In April 2023, Harry became Headteacher and he loves being part of the dynamic and driven headship team. Before this, he was staff governor. Outside school, Harry enjoys walking, Formula One and anything performance-based – he even had his own radio programme! 

    Andrew Miller 

    Co-opted Governor

    March 2024 - March 2028

    Full Governing Board

    Teaching and Learning Committee (Chair)

    Andrew joined the ESPS governing body as a parent governor in May 2016. He now has one child at the school, in Year 5, with two older children having left for secondary school. He is a lawyer, formerly working in the City with a stint in Moscow. He now works in-house with an international energy company, focusing on projects in Mozambique. Before qualification, he taught English in Poland and has travelled extensively. He seeks to play a full and active part on the governing body and contributing to the continued success of the school.

    Emmet Regan 

    Co-opted Governor

    March 2018 - March 2026

    Full Governing Board

    Children, Families and Community (Chair)

    Safeguarding Link Governor

    Emmet is a management consultant, specialising in public service reform and improving outcomes in the public sector. He has worked on reforming the adoption system for the past two years and has extensive experience of working across local and central government. Emmet also spent several years as a Special Constable with the Metropolitan Police. Emmet holds an MBA from Warwick Business School. Emmet has two children in the school.

    Helen Wrigglesworth 

    Co-opted Governor

    December  2021 - December 2025

    Full Governing Board

    Resources Committee

    SEND Link Governor

    Helen is a Chartered mechanical engineer and Sainsbury Management Fellow, with a background in product development and project management. She attained an MBA whilst living in Hong Kong.  Helen is mother to three boys, two of which have left ESPS and one in Y4. Helen joined the ESPS Governing Body as a parent governor in 2015 and was co-opted in 2017. 

    Susannah Milligan 

    Co-opted Governor

    March 2023- March 2027

    Full Governing Board

    Teaching & Learning Committee

    EAL Link Governor

    Susannah has been a governor of ESPS since 2006, including 5 years as Chair.  Her two sons both attended East Sheen.  Susannah's  professional background is in brand consultancy and brand name development, and she currently works as a freelance brand writer.  In her spare time she writes poetry and is the trustee of a poetry magazine.

    Chris Styles 

    Co-opted Governor

    March 2023- March 2027

    Full Governing Board

    Resources Committee

    Premises and Parent Satisfaction Link Governor

    Chris has been a Governor at ESPS since 2003 and has had the privilege of helping guide the school through periods of significant change and development to be the successful community school it is today.  Originally, he was elected as a Parent Governor and saw both his children progress through the school and into secondary. He has contributed to the Resources Committee (and was particularly involved in developing external sports and play areas) and chaired Image & Marketing (during development of the school website).

    Chris is a Management Consultant with a background in large scale change programmes enabled by enterprise IT systems.  More recently he has been developing Green-Tech energy saving solutions.  

    Jessica Zayouna 

    Co-opted Governor

    October 2023 - October 2027

    Full Governing Body

    Children, Families and Community Committee

    Marketing and Communications Link Governor

    Jessica has 15 years' experience in marketing across different channels, sectors and organisations from financial services to museums to charity. Jessica has two children in Year 4 and her eldest child has left for secondary school. Jessica believes that ESPS is the unsung hero of local schools and looks forward to supporting the school to be the best environment for children to learn, flourish and be happy.

    Emily Maltby 


    December 2021 - December 2025

    Full Governing Body

    Teaching and Learning Committee 

    PPG Link Governor

    Emily is a lawyer who works in the energy transition with a focus on zero carbon and mobility. 

    Emily joined as an associate member in January 2021 and has had two daughters at the school (both now at secondary school) who loved it. She is delighted to be supporting the school in going from strength to strength. 


    Raef Jackson 

    Co-opted Governor

    April 2023 - April 2027

    Full Governing Board

    Teaching and Learning

    Safeguarding Link Governor

    Raef is an Analyst at a management consultancy in London, who specialises in data analysis and strategy. He graduated from the London School of Economics (LSE) in 2021 with a degree in Geography with Economics. Whilst at LSE, he co-founded the LSE EdTech society and LSE Sports Business Group. Between graduating from university and starting work as a consultant, he was a sports teacher at his former school; he is excited about continuing his involvement in education in the local community.

    Tristan Chapple 

    Co-opted Governor

    June 2023 - June 2027

    Full Governing Board

    Teaching and Learning

    Early Years Link

    Tristan is a freelance writer covering business, finance and politics. Previously, he worked for 18 years in fund management, researching and investing in companies listed on the UK stock market. He was a partner at Phoenix Asset Management Partners and a non-executive director of The Aurora Investment Trust Plc.

    After many years as an enthusiastic amateur cook, Tristan spent a year training to be a chef at Leiths Cookery School. He also has a degree in War Studies from King’s College, London.

    Tristan has two children at the school and is delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to its ongoing success.

    Michael Cunningham 

    Co-opted Governor

    June 2023 - June 2027

    Full Governing Board


    PPG Link

    Michael works for a US securities firm providing strategic financial advice to a range of multi-national companies and Governments located in the Nordic countries. His current focus is providing advice to industrial companies transitioning to ‘green’ energy with a particular focus on renewable energy projects and the establishment of the emerging battery market for EV’s. He has three children, two boys and a girl. His eldest son is studying at university and is currently on an exchange year in the US, a second son has just completed his ‘A’ levels and his daughter will enter the Sixth Form in September. Michael has a long-standing interest in education and is excited to contribute to the ongoing success of ESPS.

    Fran Foley 

    Staff Governor

    October 2023-2027

    Full Governing Board

    Children, Families and Community Committee

    Behaviour Link

    Fran is the Pastoral and Inclusion manager and lead of the school’s Specialist Resourced Provision for children with Social Emotional and Mental Health needs.  A long-term employee with over 10-years’ experience supporting East Sheen Primary children, families and staff. Fran is committed to delivering the best outcomes for all and an advocate for developing awareness of neurodiversity within learning and education.

    Martin Hill 

    Parent Governor

    May 2024 - May 2028

    Full Governing Board

    Children, Families and Community

    Martin is a Senior Leader in Software Engineering working in Advertising Technology with 25 years experience building teams and solving problems across the sector.  He currently has two children at ESPS in Years 2 and 5 and another having left for Secondary School.

    Sarah Odds 

    Parent Governor

    May 2024 - May 2028


    Full Governing Body

    Sarah has worked in Financial Services for the last 17 years, working with a large variety of clients and products and sits on the Diversity and Inclusion Commitee at her firm. She is also an advisor on a Board of a Health Tech company.

    She has an Economics degree from Durham.

    Sarah has three children at East Sheen Primary and attended herself and believes it is a wonderful environment for children to Thrive and achieve their dreams.

    Anjali Doshi 

    LA Nominated Member

    July 2024 - July 2028

    Children, Families and Community

    Anjali is a stay-at-home mum to three girls. She is a former sports writer and broadcaster and she, more recently, co-edited a quarterly cricket magazine called the Nightwatchman. She has two daughters at East Sheen. Anjali is co-chair of the PTA and is passionate about contributing to the wonderful school community. In her spare time, she loves baking and decorating celebration cakes.



    Manik Fernando 

    Associate Governor on Resources

    December 2023

    Manik Fernando is a Senior Pricing & Commercial Strategist at SITA Global and has over 20 years of experience developing Commercial and Pricing Strategy for various Banking, FMCG and Technology Organisations across Australia and the UK.

    He graduated from RMIT Melbourne with a Double Majors in Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineering and additionally holds a Master of Applied Finance from Macquarie University, Sydney.

    Manik’s middle son graduated from ESPS in 2022 and currently has a son in year 6. He is looking forward to working closely with the Resources Team to contribute towards ESPS’ ongoing success.

    Alison Guzman 

    Associate Governor for Children, Families and Community

    September 2024

    Alison has over twenty years working in Finance and Transformation roles across many industries and as part of a big four consultancy.  Alison has twin boys in year 5 at East Sheen Primary School and is delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to the continued success of this wonderful and nurturing school.

    Kate Laidlaw 

    Clerk to the Governors

    From September 2024

    Kate has been Clerk to the Governors at ESPS since September 2024. Kate is keen to be a part of ESPS and help the governing board in any way that she can in the best interests of the school and its community.



    Nicky Dorman

    LA Nominated Member

    Dec 2023 - July 2024

    Leon Orr

    Elected Parent Governor

    May 2021 - March 2024

    Jess Oliver

    Elected Parent Governor

    May 2021- January 2024

    Joshua Bailey

    Staff Governor

    September 2021 – September 2023














    The ESPS Governing Body reconstituted in 2017. A copy of the Governing Body’s Instrument of Government can be found here.

    • Parent governors have a child in school at the time of their election and are elected by the parent body.
    • Staff governors are members of staff at the school and are elected by their colleagues. This category includes the headteacher (who serves in an ex-officio capacity), teaching and non-teaching staff.
    • Co-opted governors are appointed by other members of the governing body because they come from a specialist group or because they possess a particular skill which can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
    • Local authority governors are nominated by the local council and appointed by the governing body.
    • Associate members are not actually governors but can be appointed to serve on committees. They do not have the right to vote at meetings of the full governing body.