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East Sheen Primary

Upper Richmond Rd West, London, SW14 8ED

Governor Declaration 2024-25

I confirm that I have received, read and understood and will comply with the following:

Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 1 and Part 2 (as updated by DfE for September 2024)

ESPS Governing Body Code of Conduct 2024-2025(as approved by the full governing body in October 2024)

Name Date
Jessica Zayouna 22.10.24
Emmet Regan  22.10.24
Andrew Miller 05.11.24
Chris Styles 10.10.23
Michael Cunningham 22.10.24
Helen Wrigglesworth 10.12.24
Susannah Milligan 22.10.24
Sarah Odds 22.10.24
Martin Hill 22.10.24
Raef Jackson 22.10.24
Harry Page 22.10.24
Polly Jones 22.10.24
Graham Dyer 28.11.24
Nathalie Townley 22.10.24
Emily Maltby 22.10.24
Tristan Chapple 22.10.24
Fran Foley 26.11.24
Martin Hill 22.10.24
Anjali Doshi 22.10.24
Alison Guzman (Associate) 14.11.24
Manik Fernando (Associate) 28.11.24