At East Sheen Primary School we are committed to planning and delivering an exciting and stimulating broad-based curriculum for all our pupils.
When designing our curriculum we take into account the different experiences and backgrounds of the children at our school, valuing their perspective and cultural influences and building on these to deliver enriching and relevant teaching and learning. Skills and knowledge are taught systematically using Thinking School tools as a common framework, allowing children to build on their prior learning and make progress across the curriculum subjects. We make use of the wonderful environment around us, visiting educational sites in London as well as exploring the local parks, common land and River Thames.
English and mathematics are central aspects of the primary curriculum but we recognise the importance of computing, science and design and technology in preparing children for today's world. We also fully value the importance of the ‘Arts’ in enriching our children's learning through creative studies and the importance of enquiry through history and geography. Our Religious Education programme is focused on asking questions which broaden and deepen children's understanding of a range of faiths and in PSHE we follow the Jigsaw scheme, which covers relationships citizenship and the importance of British values. Our emphasis on sport and healthy eating encourages our children to keep active and make the right choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Our curriculum is designed to develop a curiosity and a love for learning, to foster and develop imagination, investigation and independence. This ethos is woven into everything we do with our children, through well structured lessons and learning experiences, which lead to confident, enthusiastic learners, well prepared for secondary education and the changing pace and challenges of modern life.
A copy of the National Curriculum can be found here.