Class Representatives
Each class in the school has a small team of Class Reps who are the liaison between parents and teachers. They are not a barrier between parents and teachers and are not there to represent parents on an individual basis.
Being a Class Rep is an important and rewarding role. Class Reps help build a sense of community among the class parents. They are also the liaison between parents and teachers and parents and the PTA.
What a Class Rep does:
Typically, Class Reps:
· Help to co-ordinate the class in fundraising activities (the Fairs, cake sales, school social events etc). With these activities they work with the school’s Class Rep Coordinators. Every class is allocated a stall at the Christmas and Summer fair. Class Reps are responsible for coordinating the preparation of the stall, managing a rota of helpers, clearing up and feeding back.
· Help to create a rota of helpers to come into class and get involved in art projects, reading etc.
· Organise cake sales for their class. Any money raised goes directly to their class
· Organise social activities for parents ranging from coffee mornings to Christmas and end of year parties. Class coffee mornings and parents’ evenings are always good fun. They are an effective way of helping parents get to know each other and generate a good team spirit in the class.
· Send one representative to the AGM (1x a year) and PTA committee meetings (3 x a year)
· Create and maintain class lists. Each class creates a class list. These are great for parents when trying to organise parties, play dates or even emergency help doing the school run! These details are especially useful for working parents who aren’t able to meet other parents in the playground. All parents/ carers have to re-confirm their details on an annual basis. You can get a Class List Update Form from the Rep Coordinators.
· Manage feedback from the class and communicate it to the school using the Class Rep Forum with the Headship Team. If it is a PTA responsibility, feedback any class concerns or suggestions to the Co-chairs.
· Collection for Teachers' presents. If your class decides it wants to give the Teacher and the Teaching Assistant a Christmas or end of year present, the Class Reps will normally organise this. Class Reps also generally co-ordinate a card or similar for the Teachers with messages from the children at Christmas and end of year.
· Leaving presents. Sometimes, if children leave ESPS, the Class Reps co-ordinate gifts and cards for them.
· Towards the end of the year find at least one lovely volunteer to rep the next year