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East Sheen Primary

Upper Richmond Rd West, London, SW14 8ED


Formative assessment is used on a daily basis and is the judgement teachers make regarding the progress and learning of each child.  Such assessment is made using a range of information, including questioning and answering, observations, marking of work, dialogue, peer and self assessments.

Summative assessment in the form of written tests is also used to track pupil progress.

Assessment is key to ensuring pupils make progress and is the starting point for the planning of each lesson.

At East Sheen Primary School we use a tool called “Target Tracker” to monitor children’s progress and attainment as they move through school.

Children are assessed against the national curriculum objectives as they are taught each year group curriculum.  Teachers make a judgement as to when they are confident that a child has secure understanding of each objective and use a colour code to record this.

Children are usually targeted to make 5 steps of progress through the year to end the year with a secure understanding of the objectives relevant for the year group. For example, a child starting the Y3 curriculum would usually start at 3 (yeargroup) b (beginning). As progress is recorded, this child will move from 3b, to 3b+, then to 3w (working within the Y3 curriculum) followed by 3w+ and finally to 3s (secure in the Y3 national curriculum objectives). Some children may be working at greater depth within the Y3 curriculum and this is recorded as a 3s+.

Progress is based on teacher assessment alone for all year groups apart from Y6, where the statutory tests also measure progress from KS1 to KS2.

Some children will not be able to access their yeargroup curriculum and will have appropriate progress targets set in line with their education plans. Some children will access interventions to accelerate progress to support them to catch up and be able to follow the appropriate year group curriculum.

At East Sheen our aim is for all children to make excellent progress from their starting points. We use Target Tracker to inform our lesson planning, ensuring the national curriculum objectives are fully covered and that children’s understanding of them is tracked.

Please see guidance from DfE below on how progress is calculated in primary schools.