Academic Results
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
We are proud to instil a love of reading and the ability to decode through our teaching of reading and phonics. Children in Year 1 sit the statutory 'Phonics Screening Check' in June.
In 2024, 92% of pupils passed the test, compared to the national average of 81%.
Key Stage 2 SATs
Children complete Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) at the end of Key Stage 2 in Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar and Maths. Children either meet or do not meet the test standard. Children are also given a teacher assessment for Writing.
Children who are performing at an exceptionally high level may be deemed as working at greater depth in writing, or achieve a high score in mathematics and reading.
Our school achieves a consistently high level of attainment and progress across all groups of children. We have high expectations of all our children and differentiate teaching to enable all learners, whatever their abilities, to make progress; many of our children exceed their expected progress between Key Stages.
Please note that due to disruption caused by the pandemic, the Department for Education is not publishing academic results from 2020-2022.
Celebrating our Pupils’ Success
We are delighted to report our Year 6 pupil achievements. Please open the Year 6 SATs results page for more information.
We are delighted to have performed significantly above national average in all attainment measures, and achieved in the top 3% of primary schools nationally in test score attainment at KS2.